WeatherPro MagPlus
WeatherPro MagPlus is suitable for both sheep and cattle and actively prevents grass tetany from occurring in your stock. Ruminants have limited storage of magnesium in their systems, so dietary supplement is required. A simple deficiency of magnesium within the blood can bring on the staggers, as complication hypomagnesemia can be induced as a secondary problem from high dietary potassium interfering with magnesium absorption in the rumen.
What is Grass Tetany?
In is it’s simplest form is a deficiency of blood magnesium. Why is it a problem? Magnesium is essential for muscle and nerve function, enzyme and hormone activity and normal metabolism. It is also important for structural integrity (bone and teeth).
Any disruption to metabolism, even sub clinical deficiencies can affect long term health and production. In acute cases (and very common) as the neuromuscular activity is compromised, animals exhibit irritability, muscle tremors and convulsions and aggression, then die very quickly. Management of high risk periods for cattle and sheep is now a simple process using WeatherPro MagPlus.
How do you predict Grass Tetany?
Cattle and sheep grazing grass dominant pastures or fresh cereal crops that are low in magnesium are vulnerable to grass tetany, especially if pastures have recently been fertilised with potash or nitrogen. Cows in peak lactation and ewes 4-6 weeks after lambing are most at risk. Also inclement weather that causes both stress to plant and animal and decreases feed intake will bring on outbreaks of tetany. Additionally older stock are less able to mobilise magnesium into the blood making them more susceptible to grass tetany.
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